
基本原则 简单地说,我们失去了重量,如果我们消耗更少的能量比我们使用。能量来自我们吃的热量(卡尔斯, CAL或千卡)的测量食品和饮料。能量是由我们的身体不断地燃烧,能量烧毁做某一特定活动量的强度变化。 假设你的体重目前状况稳定,你的能量,并能输出相等。减肥,此方程必须是不平衡的,所以能输出大于能量而定。自然,我们可以用两种方法实现这一点。我们可以燃烧更多的能量,通过做运动,或者我们也可以消耗更少的能量,吃更少的热量(注意,这种需求不是指按重量或体积的食物更少) 。 对于大多数人来说减肥是大约80:20饮食:运动分裂,只是因为它是一个更容易否认自己的蛋糕的〜 300kcal片比步行2-3公里烧它。您可以减肥,没有任何任何运动,如果你愿意的话,但运动本身是非常好的适合你的方式。 是现实的 除了最基础的,你必须面对现实,接受的是,如果你想减肥,你将不得不改变一些事情。可能是最重要的认识是,你需要做一个生活方式的改变。大多数人需要改变自己的饮食,而不是节食;恢复到旧的习惯会看到你恢复到原来的身体权重也。 Basic Principles Simply put, we lose weight if we consume less energy than we use. Energy comes from the food and drink that we eat and is measured in calories (Cals, cals or kcals). Energy is burnt constantly by our bodies, the amount of energy burnt doing a particular activity varies by its intensity. Assuming that your weight is currently stable, your energy-in and energy-out are equal. To lose weight, this equation needs to be unbalanced, so energy-out is greater than energy-in. Naturally, we can achieve this in two ways. We can burn more energy, by doing exercise, or we can consume less energy, by eating fewer calories (note, this need not mean less food by weight or volume). For most people losing weight is roughly a 80:20 diet:exercise split, simply because it's a lot easier to deny yourself a ~300kcal slice of cake than walking 2-3 miles to burn it off. You can lose weight without any exercise whatsoever if you wish, but exercise in itself is very good for you either way. Be Realistic Besides the very basics, you have to be realistic and accept that, if you want to lose weight, you’re going to have to change a few things. Possibly the most important realization is that you need to make a lifestyle change. The majority of people need to change their diet, as opposed to go on a diet; reverting to old habits will see you reverting to old body-weights, too.

为什么我们的项目让你快速的结果 - 安全。 时尚饮食不工作。通常流行的饮食被称为溜溜球饮食,因为你的体重变 上下每一个时尚的饮食,你试试。您可以采取的起飞重量(有时 令人不快的副作用),但是,你没有这些工具,以保持它关掉为好让你的体重 云备份。草药魔术,你会很快减肥,安全(无令人不快的副作用 效果),并保持它关闭。每个草药神奇减肥计划结合了真正的食物,个人 教练和天然保健品。正是这些重要元素的组合 让你的减肥效果,快速又安全。有三个步骤来帮助你减肥 和保持它关闭,好: 我们将为您提供实现工具: 快速,健康减肥 保持体重关 你的个人目标 我们将提供一个定制的减肥方案,将提供快速,持久的结果为您服务。保证! 相关网站与现实生活中的故事: Why our programs get you fast results - safely. Fad diets don't work. Often fad diets are referred to a yo-yo diets because your body weight goes up and down with each and every fad diet you try. You may take the weight off (sometimes with unpleasant side effects) but, you don't have the tools to keep it off for good so your weight goes back up. With Herbal Magic, you will lose weight quickly, safely (with no unpleasant side effects) and keep it off. Each Herbal Magic weight loss program combines real food, personal coaching, and natural health products. It is the combination of these important elements that gives you weight loss results, quickly and safely. There are three steps to help you lose weight and keep it off, for good: We'll give you the tools to achieve: Fast, healthy weight loss Keeping the weight off Your personal goals We will provide a customized weight loss solution that will provide fast, long-lasting results for you. Guaranteed! Related sites with real life stories: http://imgur.com/a/4kKNf"

Makeover | 化妆

您可以快速改变你的外观采用了新的发型或颜色。尝试不同的服装,改变你的风景。 化妆是短期的做了,这是重塑,再造自己。 改头换面可以让你感觉更好,并帮助你实现你的目标。尝试一些新的化妆或戴眼镜。 宽松一些体重,改变你的外观,获得自信,你一定会成功! You can quickly change your appearance with a new hair style or color. Try a different outfit and change your scenery. Makeover is short for make over, this is reinventing, recreating yourself. A makeover can make you feel better and help you accomplish your goals. Try some new makeup or wearing glasses. Loose some weight, change your appearance, gain confidence and you will succeed!

Getting and Staying motivated | 获取和保持上进

利用该模型,看你是什么样子。这将有助于你得到激励和保持动力。能够看到自己是关键。由具有什么就可以实现你能保持积极的视觉图像,吃得健康,快乐! Use the model to see what you will look like. This will help you get motivated and stay motivated. Being able to see yourself is key. By having a visual image of what you can achieve you can stay motivated, eat healthy, be happy!




